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 Shako artillerie Second Empire?

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 449
Localisation : Chez moi
Thème de collection : Militaria Italienne I°GM & II°GM
Date d'inscription : 20/07/2014

Shako artillerie Second Empire? Empty
MessageSujet: Shako artillerie Second Empire?   Shako artillerie Second Empire? EmptyMar 5 Aoû 2014 - 20:51

Hello guys,

last find, what is that?Very Happy

A bientot,

Dernière édition par Memento_Mori le Ven 31 Mai 2019 - 9:38, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 2302
Localisation : Bourgogne
Thème de collection : l'histoire de l'antiquité à 1870
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2012

Shako artillerie Second Empire? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Shako artillerie Second Empire?   Shako artillerie Second Empire? EmptyMar 5 Aoû 2014 - 22:53

Hello Alex,
Yes french Artillery officer, end of the Juy Monarchy and beginning of the Second Empire. If you want to sell it, I've got interest.
Best regards
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Nombre de messages : 449
Localisation : Chez moi
Thème de collection : Militaria Italienne I°GM & II°GM
Date d'inscription : 20/07/2014

Shako artillerie Second Empire? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Shako artillerie Second Empire?   Shako artillerie Second Empire? EmptyMer 6 Aoû 2014 - 14:39

mars021 a écrit:
Hello Alex,
Yes french Artillery officer, end of the Juy Monarchy and beginning of the Second Empire. If you want to sell it, I've got interest.
Best regards

Thanks a lot for your help my friend!Very Happy
I've try to find some shako like that one but found nothin'!
The badge without cockade, and the lion heads are never on the other i've found!
I guess its quite rare or not?Very Happy

A bientot,
Alex.Very Happy
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Shako artillerie Second Empire? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Shako artillerie Second Empire?   Shako artillerie Second Empire? Empty

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Shako artillerie Second Empire?
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